In 2016, Mrs. Asst. Univ. Ana Maria Vlasceanu. Pharm., PhD started working as an assistant professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Bucharest's Department of Toxicology. Between 2014 and 2015, she was a PhD student with a scholarship within the Excelis Project (Excellence in scientific, interdisciplinary, doctoral, and postdoctoral research, in the economic, social and medical fields - Excelis, POSDRU/159/1.5/S/138907) (scholarship obtained through competition, project completion in first place). In 2015, she graduated with a master's degree in pharmacology and toxicology from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Craiova, Faculty of Pharmacy (grade 10), dissertation: "The influence of the constituents of cigarette smoke on the metabolism of some xenobiotics". She became a specialist pharmacist in the Pharmaceutical Laboratory specialty following training courses through residency in the period 2016-2019 and passing the exam in the September 2019 session. She obtained the scientific title of PhD in the field of Pharmacy, specialty Toxicology, defending, in 2019, the doctoral thesis, appreciated with the Suma cum laude distinction. The didactic activity consists of the guidance of practical works and the assessment of students from the IV and V study years, the guidance of bachelor's works. The scientific and research activity of Mrs. Asst. Univ. Ana Maria Vlăsceanu. Pharm., PhD includes 3 book chapters published as a co-author in international publishing houses, a book/study aid for students, published as a co-author in a national publishing house recognized CNCSIS, 11 published works (of which 8 in ISI rated/indexed journals), 5 papers presented at international scientific events, published as abstract in ISI indexed journals, 3 papers presented at other scientific events. Mrs. Asst. Univ. Ana Maria Vlăsceanu. Pharm., PhD attended a series of specialization courses in Toxicology and Pharmacy (European Society of Toxicology in Vitro, ESTIV, Applied In Vitro Toxicology Course, April 14-19, 2019, Bucharest; "Currents in medico-legal toxicology", Murighiol, May 25, 2017, course held by the board members of The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, TIAFT, within CNML 2017; "Multidisciplinary pharmacotherapeutic approach"). The preoccupation for the scientific activity is also supported by the two editions of the National Congress of Toxicology, with international participation (Bucharest, Romania 2015 and 2017), that Mrs. Asst. Univ. Ana Maria Vlăsceanu Pharm., PhD contributed as President of the Organizing committee. The research carried out in the scientific activity focused on areas such as pharmacotoxicological testing methods (experimental models for testing the action and toxicity of some medicinal or toxic substances), Food Safety, spectrofluorimetric studies on cell suspensions, following changes in some cellular parameters, addiction (analytical diagnosis, optimization), Ecotoxicology.